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John Ladd (M)
b. c 1620, d. Jun 1680

     Information on John Ladd and most of his descendants from James Christian GEDCOM. ------------------ John Ladd came to American Colonies from England on October 7, 1653. Married 1st Bathsheeba LOVETT, d. ca 1673/4 (daughter of Lancaster d. 1673 & Ann LOVETT). Married 2nd Mary ___. John arrived in Virginia on 7 OCT 1653 when Oliver Cromwell and the "Roundheads" ruled England. His passage was paid for by William DILTYE of Charles City County, VA. John was appointed as arbiter on October 15, 1666 over a dispute between Adam SNALE & Adam THOROUGHGOOD regarding the building of a (Anglican) church. He received a grant of land on September 24, 1667 on the north side of Four Mile Creek in Henrico Co., VA. He owned at one time a 400 acre tract on Lynnhaven River in the Norfolk area which he sold in 1672. He acquired 700 acres in the same area on May 25, 673, granted by Sir William BERKLEY, Gentleman of Virginia. He sold this tract on April 16, 1674. He made other transactions as well. He was sometimes referred to as John LADD of Lynnhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk County (on the James River where Henrico Co. & Charles City Co. join, an area known as the "curles" because the river bends or curls there). This plantation was known as "Claytons". His will, dated September 10, 1679, was recorded on August 2, 1680 (his wife Mary was aged 30). The executor was William RANDOLPH, founder of the prominent Virginia family. JohnXs property was valued at 15,000 pounds of tobacco. John Ladd's will dated 10th of 6th month 1679 designates his wife, Mary, as executrix, and reads as follows: "In the name of God, Amen. I John Ladd of the county of Henrico, being sick & weak of body but of sound & perfect Memory praysed be God for it, & calling to minde the certainity of death & the uncertainty of the time & houre thereof, doe make this my last will & testament in manner & forme following revoking & disannulling all former will or wills hereofore by me made either by word or writing, & this to be for & is my last will & testament & noe other, & now as touching that small estate it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I doe order, give and despose of the same in manner & forme following: Imprimis, I give unto my sonne Amos Ladd, that parcel of land of mine joining upon Cleytons being (per) estimation one hundred & fifty acres which is my part of the land which was taken up (per) Tho. Lygon, Solomon Knibb, John Woodfin Sen'r. & myself, one hundred twenty-five acres of sd land my minde & will is my sonne should have, when at age, the other twenty-five acres I give to my daughter Elizabeth during her natural life, she beginning upon the west side of the land for her sd twenty-five acres, she to have the benefit of the whole dividend of timber to build with upon her said land. pg. 3 Item I give & bequeath unto Elizabeth Ladd a parcell of hoggs which are on the other said of the creek being six old ones & two shootes as allsoe my horse ball, & one iron pott, three spoones & one dish, which pott and dish her mother thinks fitt, which said things my minde and will is should be delivered to her within one month after my decease, as allsoe I give unto my said daughter thirty pounds of feathers & one blanket, & is allsoe to be delivered to her with the rest. Item I give and bequeath unto my loving wife, Mary Ladd the plantation I now live on during her natural life, & after her decease to the child she now goes with if a sonne, but if noe, then to Sarah Ladd & Mary ..... to be equally divided between them, Allsoe i give devise & bequeath unto my sead wife one feather bed with rugg & blankett & paire of sheetes & curtaines & vallins. Item I give & bequeath unto sonne Amos one feather bed with rugg & Blankett & pairs of sheetes, the bedd being ticking, as allsoe my great chests & six pewter plates & six spoons & two gunns, one fowling piece & one Muskett, & All my carpenters tooles, except on adze, allsoe one large iron pott about 8 Gallons, & one brasse Skillett frame about two Gallons, one pewter dish & saucer, & my mare & colt she now hath, with all her increase which shall hereafter ensue, as allsoe one heifer called cherrye, & one steere called hart about three years old. Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Ladd one cow called Damsell, one browne yearling cow calf as allsoe a feather bedd not full one blankett & one old rugg, & one iron pott, & one pewter dish, & pewter plate. Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Rachell Ladd two yearling cow calfes, one pewter dish & plate & three young sowes & one brasse skillett. Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth one cow called Browninge. Item I give unto the child my wife now goes with one long gunn, two steeres, one two years old, & the other one. Item I give unto my sonne Amos Ladd one oxe chain & hooks & staples for three yoakes. Item I give unto my daughter Eliz. one small couch, & to my daughter Sarah one large chest, & one sowe. Item I give & bequeath unto my sonne Amos one young sowe, the rest & residue of my estate except one young horse running in Curles. Item, I give & bequeath unto my loving wife Mary, whom I make my whole & sole executrix of this my last will & testament desiring her truly to performe the same, as I hope she will. In witnesse whereof I have set my hand & seal this 10th. of 6th, month 1679. pg. 4 - My minde & will is that my sonne Amos should tarry with my wife while seventeen yeares of age & then he to have the benefit of his owne labor & my daughters she to have oversight & tuition of them while eightteen or marryed. JOHN LADD (Red Wax) This within written was owned (per) Jno. Ladd to be his last will & testament in the presents of John Pleasants Benj. Travers Robert Clark Tho. W. Wooles, his mark Will Porter John E. Gunter, his mark Jane Pleasants Matas S. Newbough per Hugh Davis Dep: cler. her marke This will above written was brought in Court by the hands of Mr. John Pleasants, one of the witnesses to the same, who being a Quaker -- refused to swear thereto. but did only affirme that it was ye last will & testament of the said John Ladd. Henrico Co VA Deed Book 1677-1705: p 256: Edw Mathews of H Co, for L3000 tob, to Alexr Makenny. 100 acres nr plantation where i dwell, bounded by Baylys Brook, John LADDS place called "Claytons". 1 Dec 1691. Wit: Ben Hatcher, John Cox, Sarah Mathews Signed Edw (EM) Mathews, Sarah Mathews The next available record finds John in Lynnhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk County, and from the following he was evidently a well established citizen as his clear judgement was recognized by the court. October 15, 1666, the court appointed John Ladd and John Taylor, to settle a difference between Adam Thoroughgood and Adam Snale, concerning the building of a church, after a jury had failed to agree. The Thoroughgood house is still standing and is said to be the oldest brick house in Virginia. Adam was a neighbor of John's. July 24, 1667 John was granted a tract of land in Henrico County on the north side of "Four Mile Creek." This was near the Charles City County line. It is believed that a part of this tract is still in the family of John's descendants. According to Warren Ladd; the old house was still standing in 1875. Harold K. Nelson, who married Virginia Ladd, has a modern bungalow across the road from the ruins of the old home, Virginia died several years ago. John is migratory. In 1672 he is back in Lynnhaven Parish where he sold 400 acres of land on the west side of Lynnhaven River to John Browning. This sale was confirmed and signed by Bethsheba Ladd, his wife, giving her consent and sanction to the sale. May 25, 1673, John was granted 700 acres of land in Lynnhaven Parish, Lower Norfolk County. (Now, Princess Anne County) The following is a record of the grant in part: "To whom all these presents shall come; 1, Sir William Berkley, GentXl of Virg. give and grant unto John Lad, seven hundred acres of land in the Prsh. of Linhaven, the County of Lower Norfolk, on the Linhaven River. Dimensions: SSW 40 poles, then WSW 102 poles, then NNW 40 poles, then WSW 480 poles, crossing the head of the rifer , then NNW 200 poles, then ENE 400 poles onto-the deeper branch which is on the north side of the river, then down the deeper branch unto the river and down the river unto the mouth of the lower dam creek, then up the creek the same and prl branch unto the first beginning line." April 16, 1674, John sold this tract of land to Anthony Lawson. "Lawson Hall," a Garden-Week attraction, is believed to be a part of John Ladd's grant, the original house, said to have been built in 1688 and to contain the oldest formal gardens in Tidewater with many fine box. No further record of John is found in Lynnhaven Parish after he sold his grant to Lawson, nor his wife Bethsheba. Further proof that John's wife was Bethsheba, is found in the will of Lancester Lovett, in his will of October 17, 1672, he mentions Bethsheba, his daughter, as being the wife of John Ladd. The next available record of John is that of his will June 10, 1679 in Henrico County, Va. He had quite an estate. His wife was then named Mary (What became of Bethsheba?) whom he appointed whole and sole executrix of his will. He names one son, Amos, who fell heir to the larger part of the estate. Three daughters, Elizabeth, Sarah and Rachell. Mary, John's wife, was "with child," who from later records we learn was William and from whom nearly all the Virginia Ladds are descended. This substantiates the fact that Bethsheba is not our maternal ancestor [speaking of William;s descendants]; it also raises the question as to whether there were two John Ladds. Some authorities think so. Our records and deductions make us think otherwise; in 1672, he sold 400 acres to John Browning, Bethsheba signed the papers; in 1674, he sold his grant to Anthony Lawson; if Bethsheba signed these papers confirming this sale, we failed to see them. We believe she must have passed on and that John went back to his first grant, and plantation in Henrico County, at which place he died six years later. This plantation he leaves in his will to his unborn child (William) after the death of his wife Mary. John, owever, saw this son born to him in his retiring years. John was born circa 1620 at England. He married Bathsheba Lovett circa 1670. He married Mary Unknown after 1673. John died in June 1680.

     Children of John Ladd:
Sarah Ladd
Huldah Ladd+   (c 1651)
Mary Ladd   (c 1660)
Elizabeth Ladd   (c 1663)
Rachell Ladd   (1670 - 1730)
Amos Ladd+   (c 1673 - c 1745)

     Child of John Ladd and Mary Unknown:
William Ladd+   (Jun 1679 - 27 Sep 1751)

    Bathsheba Lovett (F)
    b. c 1645, d. c 1673
    Pop-up Pedigree

          (an unknown value). Bathsheba was born circa 1645 at Lower Norfork County, Va. (now Princess Ann County.. She was the daughter of Lancaster Lovett. She married an unknown person circa 1665. She married John Ladd circa 1670. Bathsheba died circa 1673.

      Mary Unknown (F)
      b. c 1650

            (an unknown value). Mary was born circa 1650. She married John Ladd after 1673. Mary died.

           Child of Mary Unknown and John Ladd:
      William Ladd+   (Jun 1679 - 27 Sep 1751)

        Mary Ladd (F)
        b. c 1660
        Pop-up Pedigree

              (an unknown value). Mary died. She married (Unknown) Howard. Mary was born circa 1660 at Virginia. She was the daughter of John Ladd. She married (Unknown) Crispe circa 1676.

          (Unknown) Crispe (M)

               (Unknown) was born. He married Mary Ladd circa 1676.

            Elizabeth Ladd (F)
            b. c 1663
            Pop-up Pedigree

                 Elizabeth died. Elizabeth was born circa 1663 at Virginia. She was the daughter of John Ladd.

              Rachell Ladd (F)
              b. 1670, d. 1730
              Pop-up Pedigree

                    (an unknown value). Rachell was born in 1670 at Henrico County, Virginia. She was the daughter of John Ladd. She married Edmond Liptrot circa 1696. Rachell died in 1730 at Henrico County, Virginia.

                Edmond Liptrot (M)

                     Edmond was born. (an unknown value). He married Rachell Ladd circa 1696.

                  George Washington Terrill Ladd (M)
                  b. 08 Mar 1808
                  Pop-up Pedigree

                        (an unknown value). George died. George was born on 8 March 1808. He was the son of Amos Ladd and Anna Stone. He married Sally Holly in 1830. He married Louisa Hembree at Jackson County Alabama, on 25 February 1869.

                       Children of George Washington Terrill Ladd and Sally Holly:
                  Bayles Lee Ladd
                  Francis Ladd
                  Lucinda Ladd
                  Manley Ladd   (c 1833)
                  James Franklin Ladd+   (c 1835 - c 26 Feb 1877)
                  Barbara Ladd   (01 May 1837)
                  Amos Lafayette Ladd   (1839)
                  George Ladd   (1843)
                  Amanda Ladd   (10 Nov 1853)

                    William H. Ladd (M)
                    b. c 1795, d. 26 Apr 1846
                    Pop-up Pedigree

                          (an unknown value). William was born circa 1795 at Stokes County, North Carolina. He was the son of William Ladd and Theodosia "Doskea" Hampton. William died on 26 April 1846 at Jordons Store, Williamson County, Tennessee. He married Nancy Dalton on 5 December 1846.

                      (Unknown) Ladd (F)
                      b. 1811
                      Pop-up Pedigree

                           (Unknown) died. (Unknown) was born in 1811. She was the daughter of John Ladd and Mary Sutherland.

                        (Unknown) Ladd (F)
                        b. c 1820
                        Pop-up Pedigree

                             (Unknown) died. (Unknown) was born circa 1820. She was the daughter of John Ladd and Mary Sutherland.

                          (Unknown) Ladd (F)
                          b. c 1823
                          Pop-up Pedigree

                               (Unknown) died. (Unknown) was born circa 1823. She was the daughter of John Ladd and Mary Sutherland.

                            (Unknown) Ladd (F)
                            b. c 1827
                            Pop-up Pedigree

                                 (Unknown) died. (Unknown) was born circa 1827. She was the daughter of John Ladd and Mary Sutherland.

                              (Unknown) Ladd (F)
                              b. c 1830
                              Pop-up Pedigree

                                   (Unknown) died. (Unknown) was born circa 1830. She was the daughter of John Ladd and Mary Sutherland.

                                Sarah Ladd (F)
                                b. 1834, d. 07 Feb 1892
                                Pop-up Pedigree

                                     She married Richard Gravley. Her body was interred at Rock Springs Bapt Ch, Pickens Co., South Carolina. Sarah was born in 1834 at Pickens County, South Carolina. She was the daughter of Pleasant Easley Ladd and Mary Gravely. Sarah died on 7 February 1892 at Pickens County, South Carolina.

                                     Child of Sarah Ladd and Richard Gravley:
                                Margaret Jane Gravley   (01 Jul 1864 - 12 Jan 1934)

                                  Malinda Ladd (F)
                                  b. c 1838
                                  Pop-up Pedigree

                                        (an unknown value). Malinda died. Malinda was born circa 1838 at Pickens County, South Carolina. She was the daughter of Pleasant Easley Ladd and Mary Gravely.

                                    John H. Ladd (M)
                                    Pop-up Pedigree

                                         John was born. John died. He was the son of Pleasant Easley Ladd and Mary Gravely. (an unknown value).

                                      Marcus Bluford Ladd (M)
                                      b. 1843
                                      Pop-up Pedigree

                                            (an unknown value). Marcus died. Marcus was born in 1843 at Pickens County, South Carolina. He was the son of Pleasant Easley Ladd and Mary Gravely.

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