Audio Services


Transfer your old records, cassette tapes and 1/4" open reel tapes to music or .MP3 CD!


Each side of each record and tape  is recorded as a separate track on an audio CD or a separate MP3 file.  Track separation (between songs, etc.) is available for an extra charge.


We can repair damaged audio cassettes.  Audio tapes can become damaged either by the tape itself becoming broken or crinkled or by physical damage to the tape housing or internals. A lot of physical damage can be repaired or recovered.


Sorry, we cannot repair bad recordings, or accidental erasures/over-recording.  Tape repairs are only performed with transfer services.




Standard audio cassette tape.  Up to 73 min. Specify audio or MP3 CD.


Track separation per track.




1/4" Open Reel audio tape.  1 to 73 min.

Specify audio or MP3 CD.


Track separation per track.


We can only accept reels 7 inches or smaller.





Repair cassette.  Replace case, re-attach broken tape, splice tape, etc.


LP records (33rpm, 12in. single, 45rpm extended play)

Track separation per track.



45 & 78 rpm records (7 inch.)

Track separation included

Several of these can be put on one CD to save you money.  Up to 73 min. per CD.

Additional record on same CD







Please read General Information & Terms of Service before ordering.

Copyright 2002 - 2017 Tomorrow Digital Productions

Bentonville, Arkansas