Film Services

We offer the best Standard Definition film transfer available in NW Arkansas.  All other local video shops and the "big box" retailers use the lower quality methods described below.  We have re-transferred many films for their unhappy customers.  The prices are about the same but the difference in quality is stunning.  See our Film Transfer Demo Videos for examples.

Movie Film Transfer to DVD.

  • Regular & Super 8mm - Silent




Most transfer operations still use out-dated variable speed projectors and/or revolving prism units (Elmo or Goko machines) to project the movie into the capture camera.  Or even worse, some just setup a video camera and film them off of the wall.  These methods result in transfers that have flicker, bright spots,  blurring or ghosting, distorted subject motion speed, and poor resolution.  Many are still using old analog cameras and capture directly to VHS and thereby immediately lose about half of the resolution and quality of the original film.


Standard Definition Digital Video (DV) offers superior resolution and picture quality over VHS.  Our Digital Frame Capture process completely captures each and every frame image on the film into a professional quality 3 CCD Digital Video camera.  These thousands of high quality images are digitally merged to create a correctly timed, seamless, and flicker-free movie with stunning sharpness and detail surpassed only by the most expensive studio transfers.  The quality of the original cinematography and your films current condition are the only limits in determining the quality of your transfer.  You have never seen your home movies look so good! 


Click for Film Transfer Demo Videos

Analog transfer using variable speed projector.


Click for Film Transfer Demo Videos

Digital Video transfer using Frame Capture


Film Transfer Demo & Comparison Videos

Click this link to see demo videos of our process vs. the competition!


Your treasured movies deserve the best.  What technology will you choose to preserve your precious memories?  The choice is as clear as the results.  Even if you don't use our service make sure the one you chose uses Digital Video frame capture.  Nothing else even comes close to matching the quality.



Your films are inspected, repaired, and optionally, cleaned, and lubricated before transfer.  Badly damaged films requiring more extensive cleaning, repair, or reconditioning may incur extra charges.  Our special telecine machine is gentle on films and cannot burn them.  Stress on the film is dramatically reduced versus normal projection. 



After capture your movies are encoded for DVD.  We record only one hour of captured video per disk to maximize quality.  Standard transfers to DVD includes the following features:

  • Title Menu.

  • Chapter Points set every 5 minutes throughout the disk so you can easily navigate through your movies using the <Prev & Next> buttons on your DVD player.

  • Name brand disk with inkjet printable white surface.  You can write the title of your disk on its surface with a soft point permanent marker.

  • Quality amaray video case with printable white jacket insert.  The insert is perfect for writing titles and notes about the content of your DVD.



Give your new DVD a polished professional appearance!  You can select from a variety of options to customize your new home movie DVDs including custom menus, chapters, titles, printed disks, and printed jackets.  Call us to get a quote on your project needs.



For the highest quality archives or do-it-yourself video editing.  High quality Digital Video (uncompressed for DVD) Masters.  See Options & Pricing below.





Regular 8mm or Super 8mm film transfer.  Per 50 feet.  (200 feet minimum order.)


no setup fees

Film cleaning and lubrication.  Per 50 feet.  $1.00

DVD copy.  Per disk.

Copies can be ordered within 30 days of original order without returning original disk for copying.


Digital Video Master With DVD Transfer - Your external USB  hard drive.  Best for quality archive and easiest do-it-yourself video editing.  Per hour of video.

Must be requested when order is placed.



Beware of competition offering lower "per foot" rates.  Here are some things to look for:

1.  Non Digital Frame Capture transfer.  Over 90% of the competition uses yesterdays analog technology with lower video resolution.  Lower quality variable speed/synchronous projection transfers with inferior image quality, flickering, speed distortion, etc..  See Film Transfer Demos page to see side by side comparisons!

2.  "Hidden" charges.  Extra for DVD, etc..

3.  High additional copy charges.  Some of the competition charges as much as $50.00 per copy of your DVDs.

4.  Inferior, low quality DVDs.  We use only high quality name brand DVDs and include a quality amaray style video case with each one.



Please read General Information & Terms of Service before ordering.

Copyright 2002 - 2017 Tomorrow Digital Productions

Bentonville, Arkansas